Love and gratitude to the audacious women, all over the world, who have stood up, marched and fought with grace and grit, for the right to have women’s voices valued through the power of voting. Thank you for refusing to take NO for an answer! The roads you have paved for us with your blood, sweat and tears will forever be remembered. đź’•
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, (born March 15, 1933, died September 18, 2020, Washington, D.C.), associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 to 2020. She was the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Ginsburg was a leading figure in gender-discrimination litigation. In 1972 she became founding counsel of the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project and coauthored a law-school casebook on gender discrimination. In the same year, she became the first tenured female faculty member at Columbia Law School. She authored dozens of law review articles and drafted or contributed to many Supreme Court briefs on the issue of gender discrimination. During the decade, she argued before the Supreme Court six times, winning five cases.Standing up for her rights!Sojourner Truth One of the most well-known advocates for women’s rights is Sojourner Truth. Born in 1797, Sojourner lived 28 years as a slave. As an abolitionist, she traveled across the early nation to speak out against both slavery and women’s rights, soon becoming a voice to be heard during the suffrage movement. Her iconic speech in 1851 “Ain’t I a Woman”, at the Women’s Rights Convention testifies Truth’s unwavering belief and dedication to the equal rights of women, blacks, and most importantly, black women.
Izzy &Liv Culture, Confidence & SoulAnna Julia Cooper was a slave that lived on to become a strong voice in the civil rights, women’s right, and suffrage movements. In her life, Anna held many prestigious positions as she worked to level the playing field for black women, like founding the black women’s club movement, writing about slavery and civil rights, and advocating for women’s education.Women’s Suffrage Movement – The fight begins in 1848 and finally, on August 26,1920, WE WIN the right to vote!